A start of 17

A new year a new plan and where is that going to take me?

I have revived one of my passions in the place of another .  Last year I gobbled books.  I couldn’t stop reading and my good reads challenge list grew enormous; and I burnt myself out on reading for the moment.  I have not read or finished a book in a couple of months. My kindle sits idle and when I do turn it on  the your battery is low please charge  message appears in the middle of the screen.

My new passion: well, it is not new but rather like the reading something that has resurfaced. It appeared last year and the little line soared. HONEST he is almost done! I just have to finish his story! But any way something new appeared.

Ugg I should have edited the pic.

Meet Frederick the Literate.  He is a Dimensions kit that has been hanging around in my stash for a few years.  I have changed the fabric from black 14 count aida to an antique white 28 count MCG Textiles. BUT as I started to stitch I began to think this is smaller than 28 count.  I pulled out another wip that I have on 28 count MCG textiles and the stitches were SMALLER!   So I think that means I have another new out of the box adventure for me.  SMALLER COUNT!

Do you want to see the beginning? Do you want to see more?  I do have a finish idea for the little line but that means I have to get it out of the ufo rut that it has been placed into. I promise I will.


I am here in ghost form

Hi remember me ? Yes me I am your faithful blog that you have neglected. What ! You have an excuse ?  There is no excuse !   You have to write again.

I remember you last year saying that you were enjoying this blogging and what happened ? You were very good in the beginning for a couple of months and then it became 2 weeks, then 3 and then nothing.

The little line has been patiently waiting …. I think that he wants to grow up and fly further than the clouds.

You left me hanging on the rest of the alphabet!  Yes I know that the letter U is a difficult letter to narrow down a specific word, but you can do it. There are lots of interesting words out there that start with the letter U so start thinking again!

And I know there are more stories and tales that have been floating around in your head.  So all you have to do is jump in and let the stories come back out !


J is for Joy

J is  for joy.  And it took me a while to figure this out.   I asked my friends and the one word that every one said was JOY.  So I pondered and tried hard to think of other words: jump, junior, jello, janitor… and I kept coming back to JOY.


JOY is the birth of a new morning;  the reds, the yellows, the pinks of the sun peeking its way through the eastern sky.  JOY is the blaze of color of a promise of a new beginning, it is hope, it is peace.


JOY is the start of a new project, from the beginning: IMG_0559 (1)

IMG_0560 to the middle; and finally to the end, the last stitch.


JOY is friendship, JOY is family.  JOY is love; it is whatever makes you happy.  So take what ever makes you happy and call it